This applet programmed directly in Java, shows the movement of a pendulum in real time (with great realism, if the computer is fast) and admits the following control possibilities (in the upper left box): initial position and velocity, length, mass, friction, and force of gravity.

This applet uses Javaview

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During the movement, the seven frames, which are updated in real time, show the following (in the clockwise direction):

  1. Potential, kinetic energy and the sum of the two, at each moment.
  2. Position and movement of the pendulum and vectors representing speed and forces.
  3. Phase curves in the plane and vector field (together or separately).
  4. Ditto, on the cylinder.
  5. Circular motion graph (in a cylinder in R3), representing an angle in a circle (the time axis is the cylinder axis).
  6. Motion graph (in R2), representing an angle on a straight line.
  7. Graph of energies (kinetic, potential and total).

The two figures in space can be rotated, so that they can be seen from either side.

The range of manipulation possibilities that this example allows is enormous and allows many different observations, and «experimental» verifications of numerous conclusions that can be drawn corresponding theory.

Note1: For more information, consult the help.

Translated for Atractor by Gabriela Chaves, from its original version in Portuguese. Atractor is grateful for her cooperation.