Table of contents
Pages in this category
Comparing two geometric problems
Dynamics of a family of exponentials
Dynamics of the Gamma Function
How to rank pages on the web
Identification numbers with check digit algorithms
Induction (in Portuguese)
Knots exhibition (Bangor University)
Labirintos Digitais - Gazeta de Matemática, 195/2021 (in Portuguese)
Mathematical Training of Lifeguards
Movies produced by Atractor
Polynomials versus polygons
Simetria de uma figura plana (in Portuguese)
Synthetic Geometry of a Triangle
The Sierpinski Triangle and the Towers of Hanoi
Triangles with multiple angles
What is a symmetric image?
Related pages
Mathina, aprendendo matemática enquanto lê e joga, revista Educação e Matemática, 2022 (in Portuguese)
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