Pages in this category
A Matemática do Futebol, Gazeta de Matemática, 7/2010 (in Portuguese)
Comparing two geometric problems
Constructions by pin-and-string: conics
Curvature and Torsion: osculating plane
Curvature and Torsion: The Fundamental Theorem of Curves
Flat and spherical triangles
Mechanism for drawing the Peaucelier Inversor
Mechanism for tracing the cissoid and strophoid
Morley′s Theorem: generalization
Polygonal sequence: triangles
Polynomials versus polygons
Pythagorean Theorem and Trigonometry: Math without words
Regular stellated polyhedra
Spherical geometry: internal angles of a triangle
Spherical Geometry: Parallel postulate
Spherical geometry: triangles
Synthetic Geometry of a Triangle
Triangles with multiple angles
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Fenda Hiperbólica, Gazeta de Matemática, 3/2014 (in Portuguese)
Figuras que tremem, Gazeta de Matemática, 03/2018 (in Portuguese)
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Matemática Viva - Inversor de Peaucellier (in Portuguese)
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Morley′s Theorem: parallelograms
Rumos Magnéticos, Gazeta de Matemática, 7/2014 (in Portuguese)
Triângulos Belos, Gazeta de Matemática, 7/2015 (in Portuguese)
Triângulos com Ângulos Múltiplos, Gazeta de Matemática, 11/2012 (in Portuguese)
Versão do Teorema de Morley para Paralelogramos, Gazeta de Matemática, 7/2008 (in Portuguese)
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